Early morning. Stormy and dark. Pouring rain. A quiet upstairs dance studio overlooking the hills. Dancing with Jorge. A really nice ending to prepare me for the next step.
My last private lesson is over and now I have been set free to test my skills in Buenos Aires. Scary and intimidating. Jorge was able to impart his knowledge of the people, area, culture and traditions upon me before I left - including how to ward off unwanted advances, procuring a taxi, the rules in making eye contact and how to make friends (apparently if you say "Bush is an idiot" everyone will love you).
It is also summer in Argentina, so Jorge advised me the weather would be warm but it would rain quite often. I told him that this type of weather was very bad for my hair. He agreed and understood - claiming that he had to move to California to grow the hair he has today. Too funny. "Buy lots of product" - that was his advice on keeping my hair in line. Frizz Ease here I come!