1. People are extra helpful and nice because they feel sorry for you.
2. Always walk confidently and with purpose and people won't bother you.
3. If you don’t want to talk to other people wear sunglasses and an iPod.
4. Never carry a map. Create a mini map on a sticky. Never look at it in public.
5. There is a time to smile and a time to scowl. Know the difference.
I also have a couple tips on traveling that I now live by:
1. Take snacks and buy PB&J upon arrival. You never know when you will find food. My staple to fly with now is oatmeal, almonds, granola bars, power bars and tea.
2. Don’t overplan. Grab a local paper and do what the locals do.
3. If you know someone from that area call them and get advice. The locals know the best places not in the guidebook.
4. Some airports make you pay to enter and pay to leave. Carry extra cash.
5. If you can bring a laptop, do. It’s the best source of info and not all internet cafes are easy to find. Spend the money on an international plan for aircard for your trip.
1. Take snacks and buy PB&J upon arrival. You never know when you will find food. My staple to fly with now is oatmeal, almonds, granola bars, power bars and tea.
2. Don’t overplan. Grab a local paper and do what the locals do.
3. If you know someone from that area call them and get advice. The locals know the best places not in the guidebook.
4. Some airports make you pay to enter and pay to leave. Carry extra cash.
5. If you can bring a laptop, do. It’s the best source of info and not all internet cafes are easy to find. Spend the money on an international plan for aircard for your trip.
I've been a female traveling alone internationally for over 20 years now. When I'm with someone (male or female) we don't get the local interaction I'd get than when I'm alone. That is always so interesting. It's easier to be flexible travelling alone. I'm street smart though as well, and have always had good experiences.